AI Deepfakes Are Becoming More Proficient in Spoofing KYC Verification, According to a Binance Executive.

The technology is getting so advanced, deepfakes may soon become undetectable by a human verifier, said Jimmy Su, Binance's Chief Security Officer.

Deepfake technology used by crypto fraudsters to bypass know-your-customer (KYC) verification on crypto exchanges such as Binance is only going to get more advanced, Binance's chief security officer warns.

Deepfakes are made using artificial intelligence tools that use machine learning to create convincing audio, images or videos featuring a person’s likeness. While there are legitimate use cases for the technology, it can also be used for scams and hoaxes.

Deepfake technology used by crypto fraudsters to bypass know-your-customer (KYC) verification on crypto exchanges such as Binance is only going to get more advanced, Binance's chief security officer warns.

Deepfakes are made using artificial intelligence tools that use machine learning to create convincing audio, images or videos featuring a person’s likeness. While there are legitimate use cases for the technology, it can also be used for scams and hoaxes.

However, Su believes the faked videos are not at the level yet where they can fool a human operator.

“When we look at those videos, there are certain parts of it we can detect with the human eye,” for example, when the user is required to turn their head to the side,” said Su.

“AI will overcome [them] over time. So it's not something that we can always rely on.”In August 2022, Binance’s chief communications officer Patrick Hillmann warned that a “sophisticated hacking team” was using his previous news interviews and TV appearances to create a “deepfake” version of him.

The deepfake version of Hillmann was then deployed to conduct Zoom meetings with various crypto project teams promising an opportunity to list their assets on Binance — for a price, of course.

“That's a very difficult problem to solve,” said Su, when asked about how to combat such attacks.

“Even if we can control our own videos, there are videos out there that are not owned by us. So one thing, again, is user education.”

BY Felix NG | Original Article 

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